About Us
Our Approach To College Admissions Preparation
We are dedicated to understanding and nurturing each student, helping them harness their distinct talents, passions and goals for college admissions success.
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Our Promise
At Your Epic Consulting, we emphasize self-discovery and personal growth, helping your child stand out by staying true to themselves. Our values-aligned approach guides students to craft authentic narratives, pursue meaningful activities, and achieve long-term fulfillment. We empower your child to gain college acceptance and embrace self-acceptance for a thriving future.
Meet Our Founder
Feiyang Liu

Mentorship is more than a career to me its more of a calling and is tied to who I am. It is my chance to guide younger students in honing focus and self-awareness – traits I wish I had when I navigated not just college admissions but attending college itself.

Now, here is something not many folks know (until now, I guess): I almost didn't graduate college. During my time at UCLA, I felt completely adrift academically and socially, finding myself on academic probation multiple times – a staggering three times in two years at one point. Friends and family were astonished as to why this was happening. They'd say, "You got into UCLA, one of the most competitive schools in the world – shouldn't you have the tools to thrive?" This question always stumped me because, on paper, the answer was probably yes. Yet, something held me back, something I didn't quite grasp at the time and also lacked the mentors and support system to give me proper guidance.

Mentorship is more than a career to me its more of a calling and is tied to who I am. It is my chance to guide younger students in honing focus and self-awareness – traits I wish I had when I navigated not just college admissions but attending college itself.

Now, here is something not many folks know (until now, I guess): I almost didn't graduate college. During my time at UCLA, I felt completely adrift academically and socially, finding myself on academic probation multiple times – a staggering three times in two years at one point. Friends and family were astonished as to why this was happening. They'd say, "You got into UCLA, one of the most competitive schools in the world – shouldn't you have the tools to thrive?" This question always stumped me because, on paper, the answer was probably yes. Yet, something held me back, something I didn't quite grasp at the time and also lacked the mentors and support system to give me proper guidance.

Here's a true story: during my freshman year, a so-called "mentor" advised me to study less for a midterm, emphasizing that, in a decade, I'd cherish the happy memories with friends more than the exam I failed. As a susceptible 17-year-old, I bought into his logic and followed suit. Fast forward 10 years, and I vividly recall both experiences. Yet, I can definitively say that the anxiety and financial toll from those failed exams were never worth the trade-off - which was a word of advice I think I would have heard from more empathetic mentors.

Looking back a decade later, I realize a key reason for my struggles: a lack of self-awareness about my future vision, values, strengths, weaknesses, passions, and personality. This hindered my ability to set meaningful goals and avoid distractions. Here's the untold truth about college – the toughest parts often hit once you step onto campus. With ample free time and endless opportunities, without your core self anchoring you, it's easy, if not likely, to be swept up in those waves.

That's why I'm dreaming big – to create a college admissions process that prioritizes reflection and self-awareness over any acceptance letter. Now, don't get me wrong – an application involves more than just these aspects. However, top applicants consistently showcase a clear understanding of who they are, their direction, and why a particular school aligns perfectly with their journey. By nurturing these qualities in students, I'm confident it won't just result in compelling applications; it'll equip them with a deeply personalized blueprint for success at whatever destination their college journey leads.

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With a commitment to excellence in college consulting, I bring a wealth of experience and a passion for higher education. As a proud UCLA graduate (Class of 2017) and a current candidate for a Master's in Enrollment Management and Policy at USC Rossier School of Education (Class of 2024), I offer a unique blend of academic insight and practical expertise. More of an industry-specific term, enrollment management encapsulates the holistic student journey starting with recruitment to admissions, financial aid, student services, and retention through graduation.

During my tenure at UC Berkeley from 2019 to 2023, I immersed myself in the admissions process and student services, reviewing thousands of both undergraduate and graduate school applications. My role extended beyond evaluation as I provided invaluable advice and guidance to prospective students navigating the complex landscape of college applications. As someone who has both professional and academic experience in both the admissions and student services space, I can guide students comprehensively because I understand how different steps, such as financial aid and student retention, relate and ultimately depend on each other.

With a commitment to excellence in college consulting, I bring a wealth of experience and a passion for higher education. As a proud UCLA graduate (Class of 2017) and a current candidate for a Master's in Enrollment Management and Policy at USC Rossier School of Education (Class of 2024), I offer a unique blend of academic insight and practical expertise. More of an industry-specific term, enrollment management encapsulates the holistic student journey starting with recruitment to admissions, financial aid, student services, and retention through graduation.

During my tenure at UC Berkeley from 2019 to 2023, I immersed myself in the admissions process and student services, reviewing thousands of both undergraduate and graduate school applications. My role extended beyond evaluation as I provided invaluable advice and guidance to prospective students navigating the complex landscape of college applications. As someone who has both professional and academic experience in both the admissions and student services space, I can guide students comprehensively because I understand how different steps, such as financial aid and student retention, relate and ultimately depend on each other.

To stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving college admissions landscape, I actively engage in professional development. I participate in workshops and network with esteemed colleagues through organizations such as the Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA), the Independent Education Consultants Association (IECA), and Asian Pacific Americans in Higher Education (APAHE). My involvement in these types of organizations allows me the invaluable opportunity to seek mentorship from leaders within the industry and enrich my understanding of current trends and best practices within higher education to better serve students.

Dedicated to community involvement, I contribute my time to reviewing scholarship applications for UCLA, my alma mater. What's intriguing is observing that these applicants are still actively honing their storytelling skills - even though they are years removed from the college admissions process. This reinforces my belief that the process of self-reflection extends far beyond the few months spent on admissions and also underscores the importance of students continuing to develop awareness and focus in their stories even through college.

Even though I have helped each of my past students successfully gain admissions into at least one (often more) of their target fit schools, what I am most proud of is the consistent feedback that they feel reassured knowing that I take the longer term view in helping them realize their journeys rather than just for the initial admissions process. I still keep in touch with some of my previous students even as they are college first-years to check in on how they are adjusting to being away from home, provide resume/networking advice, and support and guide them in seeking out the local campus activities and communities that interest them.

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In my free time, I'm passionate about music, fitness, video games, and reading, especially when these activities challenge my comfort zone and stimulate personal growth.

For music, I love attending local shows and music festivals as much as anyone. However, the thrill of discovering an unknown artist and becoming so captivated by their style or substance that I immediately dive into their profile to learn more about them is unparalleled. A true story: I once created more than 20 different Coachella playlists featuring songs from each artist, allowing me to explore and expand my knowledge of undiscovered artists and genres.

In my free time, I'm passionate about music, fitness, video games, and reading, especially when these activities challenge my comfort zone and stimulate personal growth.

For music, I love attending local shows and music festivals as much as anyone. However, the thrill of discovering an unknown artist and becoming so captivated by their style or substance that I immediately dive into their profile to learn more about them is unparalleled. A true story: I once created more than 20 different Coachella playlists featuring songs from each artist, allowing me to explore and expand my knowledge of undiscovered artists and genres.

Health and fitness have always been priorities for me, encompassing weight training, basketball, and, more recently, short, consistent runs. Initially, I planned to train for the Brooklyn Half Marathon in April. However, after seeing the registration fee—excluding the cost of shipping for the bib—I decided against it. By that point, running had become a daily habit, and I felt I was already enjoying its benefits, so no marathon for me, at least not for now.

Video games have been a significant part of my life for as long as I can remember. I'm drawn to expansive, story-driven games featuring characters who evolve throughout their adventures. Recently, I've been enjoying JRPGs like Persona, Dragon Quest, and Chrono Trigger. I also make a point of asking friends about their current games to broaden my gaming horizons.

Lately, I've experienced a reading renaissance, rediscovering the habit of reading daily and juggling multiple books of interest. My profession naturally inclines me towards literature on education theory, trends, and practical guides. Yet, I also enjoy interspersing my reading list with fiction and thought-provoking non-fiction. "Midnight Library" and "Ego is the Enemy" are among my all-time favorites. I highly recommend them!

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Our Values
Our values guide every aspect of our personalized, values-driven approach to college admissions consulting.
Trusted Admissions Expertise
We apply insider knowledge, seasoned expertise, and proven frameworks to provide reliable and effective admissions guidance, ensuring each step is informed and strategic.
Authentic Self-Discovery
We prioritize helping students uncover their true selves through introspective exploration, ensuring their college journey is genuine and fulfilling.
Holistic Growth
We emphasize a balanced approach to personal and academic development, fostering self-awareness and long-term success.
Lifelong Fulfillment
Our focus extends beyond college acceptance, aiming to instill self-acceptance and equip students with the skills and mindset for lifelong fulfillment and success.
Personalized Guidance
We provide tailored support that aligns with each student’s unique values, strengths, and aspirations, empowering them to make confident, value-driven decisions.
Purposeful Engagement
We guide students to engage in activities that resonate with their values and interests, adding depth and intentionality to their college applications.
Integrity & Transparency
We maintain clear, honest communication throughout the admissions process, setting realistic expectations and ensuring families feel informed and confident.
Genuine Connection
We build strong, empathetic relationships with students and families, creating a supportive environment that encourages open dialogue and mutual understanding.
Contact us to learn more
Begin with a free call to talk about your child's goals and discover how we can ensure a successful, stress-free college admissions journey.